ELI challenges another Mt Messenger bypass decision
ELI has amended its statement of claim in the Mt Messenger case.
ELI seeks High Court declaration that Z Energy has misled New Zealanders
ELI is partnering with Consumer NZ and Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc to seek declarations from the High Court that Z Energy has misled New Zealanders with its public messaging.
ELI takes first step on reassessment of glyphosate
A reassessment of glyphosate using the most up-to-date independent science is long overdue. We have taken the first step towards a reassessment by applying to EPA to determine whether legal grounds exist for a reassessment.
What do NZ’s latest wetland regulations mean?
Recently, the New Zealand government made changes to the 2020 Freshwater Package after collecting input from the public. The 2020 Freshwater Package was supposed to provide increased protections for wetlands, in line with the government's policy goal of "no further wetland loss." However, following a lengthy consultation process, the government has proceeded with significant changes against recommendations of eNGOs and other concerned groups. Here, we break down what the new policy means and why it is significant.
ELI takes steps to stop NZTA killing kiwi at Mt Messenger
ELI has requested that the Department of Conservation (DOC) immediately cancel a permit it has issued, which authorises NZTA to kill native species during the building of the Mt Messenger Bypass. DOC's permit (91389-FAU) authorises NZTA to kill 46 species, including north island brown kiwi, short-tailed and long-tailed bats and Archey's frog. Read our full letter to DOC here.
Opinion: We need to ask harder questions about the herbicide glyphosate
The Environmental Protection Authority report into the use of glyphosate is open to criticism for presenting scientific information on a par with the opinions of industry. With growing evidence of its negative environmental effects, a reassessment should get the go-ahead
Without a better plan, New Zealand risks sleepwalking into a biodiversity extinction crisis
Read our analysis in The Conversation on Aotearoa’s biodiversity crisis, and why we must strengthen our plan for addressing it.
If we are serious about ‘environmental limits’ then they need to be limiting
Why the NBEB must be redrafted to ensure a pivotal role for independent science.
Climate change is everybody’s business
Biodiverse ecosystems are, quite literally, lifesaving. Here's why we cannot separate ourselves, nor our financial markets, from this fragile equation.