Working in partnership with Māori
ELI recognises that Tangata Whenua exercise kaitiakitanga over natural resources within their rohe. We are committed to working in partnership with iwi and hapū to achieve a healthier environment.
This requires us to work in collaboration and accordance with the guidance of the kaitiaki that exercise authority over Te Taiao. We are committed to applying the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as well as supporting the recommendations produced in the Waitangi Tribunal Reports.
One of the key objectives of the Resource Management Act’s reform is “to give proper recognition to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and provide greater recognition of te ao Māori including mātauranga Māori”. However, if Councillors and decision-makers lack the education and understanding to sufficiently “give effect” to Te Tiriti, it seems unlikely the Bill will achieve its purpose in this pursuit.