ELI takes steps to stop NZTA killing kiwi at Mt Messenger
North Island Brown Kiwi, one of the 46 species that DoC’s permit authorises NZTA to kill
ELI has requested that the Department of Conservation (DOC) immediately cancel a permit it has issued authorising NZTA to kill native species during the building of the Mt Messenger Bypass.
Under the Wildlife Act, DOC is able to grant permits to capture alive or kill wildlife if it furthers the purpose of the Act, wildlife protection.
In ELI's view, permitting wildlife to be killed to facilitate road building does not accord with the protective purpose of the Wildlife Act.
DOC's permit (91389-FAU) authorises NZTA to kill 46 species, including north island brown kiwi, short-tailed and long-tailed bats and Archey's frog.
In ELI’s view, this permit is unlawful and any killing of wildlife founded on this unlawful permit may constitute offences against the Wildlife Act.
The Mt Messenger Bypass project will involve the destruction of 30 hectares of native forest and significant wetlands in the Mangapēpeke Valley. Alternative options exist for the road development that would significantly lessen its environmental impacts, including on protected wildlife. Find a copy of our letter to DoC below.
Listen to our interview with RNZ on the issue: