Our cases
Restoring crayfish numbers in Northland
With Te Uri o Hikihiki hapū, we challenged the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries catch limit decisions for crayfish and we won.
Protecting orange roughy from bottom trawling and over-fishing
We’re taking the Minister to court for overfishing orange roughy.
Crayfish case #2: restoring crayfish numbers in Northland
We are challenging the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Total Allowable Catch decision for crayfish in Northland.
Challenging the government’s failure to properly levy the fishing industry
We have filed legal proceedings against the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries and the Director General of MPI for under-levying the fishing industry and under-allocating observers.
Challenging DOC’s failure to protect marine species from commercial fishing
We challenged the New Zealand Government in the High Court over systemic failures to apply the law to protect marine biodiversity — and we won.