News and submissions

freshwater Aaron Packard freshwater Aaron Packard

We’re taking Environment Canterbury to court over water pollution from nitrates (again)

In a judicial review announced today, the Environmental Law Initiative alleges Environment Canterbury failed to account for the impact of nitrogen discharges on drinking water supplies when granting a discharge consent to MHV Water Ltd. 

“We believe there are firm grounds for the Council’s consent to be overturned,” says ELI’s Senior Legal Researcher, Lottie Boardman. 

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Aaron Packard Aaron Packard

Our rivers deserve better than ‘quick and dirty’

Water is a public good. No one automatically has the right to pour contaminants or waste into water - or land, in circumstances where it may enter water. 

Yet, last week, the Government weakened key provisions of the Resource Management Act, meaning more pollution into rivers, lakes, wetlands and estuaries - such as nitrate from cow urine - is suddenly allowable.

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Aaron Packard Aaron Packard

ELI takes EPA to court over glyphosate-based herbicides decision

“These chemicals end up everywhere. They are in our food, in our playgrounds, in our gardens, and in our waterways. The EPA should be making decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of how glyphosate and its co-formulants affect us here in New Zealand,” says Ms Upperton. 

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Aaron Packard Aaron Packard

Minister’s orange roughy decision challenged by ELI

In July, ELI filed proceedings against the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries asserting that the 2023 orange roughy catch limit did not take into account the best available information on the size of the area trawled for orange roughy.

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